NCL Register Implementation

See this post for the design of the NCL Register.


I implemented this module structurally, with a for...generate (you’ll find that I’m a big fan of generics if you keep up with the blog).

This module assumes that all groups (DAT0, DATA1, … DATAn) are dual rail (capped at DATA1); if I need other encodings, I’ll make them as separate modules later. I added a generic RegisterDelay input so that I can better observe pipelines of components (if it is stable for time, then I can read values off the waves easier)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.ncl.all;

entity RegisterN is
  generic(N : integer := 1;
  RegisterDelay : time := 20 ns);
  port(inputs : in ncl_pair_vector(0 to N-1);
  from_next : in std_logic;
  output : out ncl_pair_vector(0 to N-1);
  to_prev : out std_logic);
end RegisterN;

architecture structural of RegisterN is
  signal outs : std_logic_vector(0 to (2*N)-1);
  signal watcher_out : std_logic := '0';

register_gates: for i in 0 to N-1 generate
  T22_i0 : THmn
             generic map(N => 2, M => 2, Delay => RegisterDelay)
             port map(inputs(0) => inputs(i).DATA0,
                      inputs(1) => from_next,
                      output => outs(2*i));
  output(i).DATA0 <= outs(2*i);

  T22_i1 : THmn
             generic map(N => 2, M => 2, Delay => RegisterDelay)
             port map(inputs(0) => inputs(i).DATA1,
                      inputs(1) => from_next,
                      output => outs(2*i+1));
  output(i).DATA1 <= outs(2*i+1);

end generate register_gates;

  watcher: THmn
             generic map (N => N*2, M => N)
             port map (inputs => outs,
                       output => watcher_out);
  WatcherOutput: to_prev <= NOT watcher_out;
end structural;


For Testing I again used a test script, available on GitHub. It goes through the values, and makes sure that data is sent through correctly. It also checks that DATA/NULL wavefronts are delayed correctly by the control signal (handshaking). Note that the to_prev output signal is always in the ‘opposite’ state of the outputs (outputs NULL => to_prev 1 and otuputs DATA => to_prev 0) there is actually a 1-ns delay (default) in the watcher gate (a TH36 in this case).


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